0935 What Network? Globe Or Smart?

0935 what network

In the Philippines, it is essential to know the network of your your mobile number in order to make your calls and texts affordable by availing the network specific packages  so the moment you see a mobile number in the Philippines with the prefix 0935, you can’t help but ask, 0935 what network does this fall under? Knowing the network behind a mobile number is pretty helpful in managing call rates, getting exclusive offers only to the network, or knowing your choices of mobile services.

Traditionally, the 0935 Mobile Network prefix has been associated with Globe Telecom and its subsidiary, Touch Mobile (TM). However, the more recent legislation, such as the Mobile Number Portability Act, would provide the opportunity for retaining that 0935 number regardless of switching to a different carrier. This guide breaks it down to about 0935, what Network Philippines is, how prefixes work, and what mobile number portability means for users.

0935 What Network Is It? Globe or Smart?

Traditionally, the prefix 0935 What Network has been allocated to Globe Telecom and TM subscribers. In general, most numbers with a 0935 prefix are either Globe or TM. However, due to the Mobile Number Portability Act, it is now possible for a 0935 number to be on another network, such as Smart Communications or DITO. You can always dial your provider or, through a mobile number lookup website, verify the correct identification for the network.

0935 what network

What are Mobile Number Prefixes?

Mobile number prefixes in the Philippines show which original network a mobile number is associated with. A prefix, usually the first four digits, indicates to the user which network it originally belonged to. Take the 0935 Mobile Network prefix, for example. Traditionally, this has been tied to Globe Telecom and TM, giving their subscribers unique services and promotions. 

Also Read: 0927 What Network? Globe Or Smart?

About Globe Telecom & TM Network: Services & Benefits

Globe Telecom, one of the biggest telecommunication service providers in the Philippines, also provides various services, which would be really helpful to the 0935 Mobile Network users. Here is a peek at what Globe Telecom and TM subscribers enjoy:

Rewards Program: Redeemable points from various Globe services.

Affordable Data Packages: Choose from multiple data plans that suit your usage needs.

24/7 Customer Support: Accessible assistance anytime, ensuring seamless service.

These services will benefit Globe and TM subscribers, making the experience worthwhile for 0935 What Network Philippines users who decide to stay with Globe. However, portability may only apply the advantages to 0935 users still registered with Globe or TM.

What is Mobile Number Portability?

The Mobile Number Portability lets the user retain the same mobile number when a user changes providers. Therefore, a 0935 number can now be held under Smart, DITO, or another network. Thus, although this could prove very convenient, it now makes a 0935 What Network prefix not always indicate Globe or TM. Let’s move on to the major takeaways about mobile number portability are as follows:

  • You do not lose your 0935 number if you switch your network.
  • Confirm your existing network if you want to take advantage of specific offers.

Busting Common Myths About Mobile Number Prefixes

Mobile prefixes are usually misconstrued, especially about 0935 What Network:

“0935 is Always Globe.”

No! Portability means that any 0935 number can now be on another network.

“Prefixes Determine Quality”

Network quality is determined by infrastructure and coverage, not by prefixes.

“Extra Charges Apply for Different Prefixes”

Charges depend on the actual network used and not on the prefix alone.


What network does 0935 belong to in the Philippines?

Originally, it was owned by Globe Telecom and TM but may be ported, which can change.

Does being on another network just because of portability make the 0935 number subject to such?

Yes, 0935 numbers can now be held by any of the networks. Yes, it can be held by Smart or DITO.

How will I check if my 0935 number is still being held by its present network?

You may check this through your provider or online resources which hold the number.


In conclusion, the prefix 0935 is attributed chiefly to Globe Telecom and TM. However, with mobile number portability, a 0935 number could also be registered with another network. Knowing your mobile prefixes and the effects of portability can help you decide better on call rates, data plans, and service providers.

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